Our Group is committed to contribute to the creation of a better world and greater corporate value align with our philosophy to build and reinforce our commitments to build a sustainable enterprise that helps meet the country’s growing energy needs in a safe, environmentally responsible, social sensitive and profitable way.
In brief, sustainability in the Group is about making responsible business decisions that create value while protecting the environment and contributing to the good society.
We believe sustainability practices create value for our shareholders and position us to continuously improve our business performance. Our commitment to sustainability therefore starts with our Board of Directors and senior management and is reinforced at every level.
Our Board is climate change literate and actively engaged in overseeing Reservoir Link’s sustainability practices, working alongside senior management to evaluate various risks and global scenarios in making strategic decisions.
We believe sustainability practices create value for our shareholders and position us to continuously improve our business performance. Our commitment to sustainability therefore starts with our Board of Directors and Senior Management and is reinforced at every level.
We are committed in doing the right thing, ethical, and trustworthy manner, upholding our regulatory obligations as the essential part of the business on which the society is build. Bearing in mind our culture and core values in integrity, leadership, excellence and sustainability, we aim to:
We recognise a shared responsibility to protect our planet. In doing our part to provide an environmentally-conscious working environment and minimise the environmental impact, we aim;
Given the worldwide span of our employees, clients, suppliers, and associate partners, we recognize the global reach of our business practices and our public accountability. We take seriously our responsibilities to protect and support the society where we live in order to improve lives and society as a whole. Hence, we aim: